The Palm Room Art Gallery
Artisans Boutique
Harbour Bay Plaza
3746 SE Ocean Blvd.
Sewall’s Point
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday — Saturday Noon to 6 pm
Come browse our eclectic collection of fabulous works by Martin County artists and find the perfect piece to unleash your inner art aficionado!
The Martin Artisans Guild will host new art exhibitions every two months with member artists. Each exhibit opens on the first Wednesday with a reception at the Gallery from 5:30-7:30 pm, which includes live music, great food and wonderful art! On the first Wednesday of the second month of each exhibit, we will host a Meet the Artists mini-reception from 4-6 pm. We are located near the East end of the Plaza, close to Stringers Tavern & Oyster Bar.
Click here to see our Events Calendar for exact dates and times for all of our events!
Current Exhibits
March/April Exhibit
“Spring Forward”
Opening Reception
Wednesday, March 12, 5:30 - 7:30
Cash bar, fabulous hors d’oeuvres, live music
Meet the Artists
Wednesday, April 2, 4:00 - 6:00
Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar
This exhibit will be open from March 12 - May 3, 2025
Featuring these talented artists:
Mark Stall ~ Barb Bucci ~ MJ Dowling ~ Caryl Pomales
Constance DelGiudice ~ Sue Klahne ~ Maria Miele ~ Kimberly Beltrame
Glen Allen ~ Laura Kay Whiticar Darvill ~ Jose Farinos ~ Vickie Marsango
Renee Keil~ Susan Clifford ~ Michaelann Bellerjeau ~ Jane Lawton Baldridge
Up next: “Tropical Temptations”
Don’t miss our Artisans Boutique — affordable boutique wares from the same great artists!
Our Opening Receptions are a HUGE success! Here’s a quick peek at the fun:
Here are some more photos from our receptions.
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Division of Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts.